If you are from New Orleans, currently live in New Orleans, or ever visit New Orleans, food is probably very important to you. You take dining out seriously.
So do we! That’s why we are very avid users of OpenTable. Both the website and the app (for both Android and iOS) allow you to locate restaurants, read reviews, make reservations, and write reviews for over 20,000 restaurants in the United States alone. They also have restaurant listings for numerous European cities.
True story: My husband, Chief Nerd Darrin, and I wanted to grab some food at a popular downtown restaurant prior to an evening Saints game. When we approached the host station, we were told there was no availability. Darrin walked outside, logged onto the OpenTable app, and was able to make a reservation on the spot! He’s clever like that.
Here’s a scenario we often find ourselves in: It’s Friday evening, after a long work week, and we haven’t even thought about dinner plans. We’re able to use OpenTable to find an available restaurant, and can even sort by type of food, location, and other options.
I find the reviews especially helpful, though I don’t always agree with which restaurants should be popular. However, I can read the really good and really bad reviews to see if the praises or complaints are something important to me. For instance, I don’t care if servings are small. But I do really care if service is overly rushed or the restaurant is too loud.
In short, I’d recommend OpenTable because it is very easy to use and quite convenient. Just follow the links above to locate the website or to download the app. Happy dining!