As part of our ongoing commitment to the community, Rent-A-Nerd is collecting sheets and towels for the Jefferson SPCA. The Jefferson SPCA partners with the Jefferson Parish Animal Shelter (both the East Bank and West Bank shelters) to provide adoption and other humane services. In addition to helping the shelter, the Jefferson SPCA provides no-cost spay and neuter to area feral cats, and very low-cost spay and neuter services for the pets of area residents.
You can support this nonprofit organization through monetary donations, hands-on volunteer efforts, and the donation of supplies. You can also help by promoting the many benefits of adopting homeless animals. Please consider donating your gently used sheets and towels. These items are always needed, but especially so during the busy summer months, when there is a large influx of kittens and puppies. We’re happy to pick up these supplies during your next service call, or feel free to drop them off at our shop, located at 103 Focis Street, at the corner of Metairie Road. Many animals will thank you!
Click here to find out more about the Jefferson SPCA.
Our most recent Nerds Care outreach project was collecting toiletries for Ozanam Inn, a local shelter for homeless men that also provides meals and other services to women and youth. We are pleased to report that this project was a success and that we were able to collect a large quantity of items for those in need. If you know of an area nonprofit that could use some “Nerd Care,” please let us know. Feel free to email your ideas to Charlotte@dev.rent-a-nerd.net.