The Nerds truly care about community outreach. In the past, we’ve collected toiletries for a homeless shelter, as well as sheets and towels for a local animal rescue organization. Right now we are collecting nonperishable food for Second Harvest Food Bank. The need is great, and any amount that you are able to give is absolutely appreciated. The Nerds are happy to pick up your donation during an upcoming service call, or you may drop off donations at our shop, located at 103 Focis Street, on the corner of Metairie Road.
Many of us know that Second Harvest distributes meals to those in need during the holiday season. What you may not know is that the organization provides those struggling with food insecurity year-round. So your donation of any amount goes a long way toward helping our neighbors most in need. Please consider holding a company-wide food drive, or simply let us know that you have a few items put aside, and as mentioned above, we’ll gladly pick them up during our next service call. In the meantime, if you’d like more information, the following is directly from Second Harvest’s website:
One in six households in Louisiana are at risk of hunger. Across our state and region, the rising cost of food, housing, and utilities, coupled with high unemployment and low-wage jobs have increased the need for emergency food assistance. Many families are asking for help for the first time. When bills loom and impossible decisions must be made, grocery lists are often cut first. Meals are skipped. Parents go without to make sure their children are fed.
Second Harvest Food Bank is leading the fight against hunger in South Louisiana by providing food access, advocacy, education, and disaster response. Second Harvest provides food to 474 partners and programs across 23 parishes. Together, we make up the largest anti-hunger network in the state.
Through our food distribution programs, community kitchen meal service, nutrition education, and public benefits assistance, we are helping to create pathways out of poverty. Every year, Second Harvest secures millions of pounds of food that otherwise would have gone to waste. Our work helps ensure that these meals make it to the dinner tables of thousands of families struggling with hunger in South Louisiana.”
The Nerds thank you!!