Meet the Nerds, Part VII: Charlotte Piotrowski

I am the final Nerd in our “Meet the Nerds” series, and it is really hard to interview myself!  I’m happily and proudly married to the chief Nerd, Darrin, and joined Rent-A-Nerd on a part-time basis in the fall of 2013, when we realized I had a lot of ideas that we wanted to implement.  I focus on our online presence and business development.  Be sure to read my article about working with your spouse here!

So, here are my responses to the “fun facts” questions:

What’s your Favorite local restaurant:  It depends on my mood, though I am always in the mood to go to Martinique and Ralph’s on the Park.  For special occasions, I love Clancy’s and Patois.  I think a casual breakfast at Satsuma is perfect.  I love Sobou for light snacks and wonderful drinks.

Star Wars or Star Trek:  Star Wars (I own the entire series on DVD except for Episode I, which someone must have borrowed long-term.)

star wars

What’s your favorite Mardi Gras Krewe:  I should say Orpheus, since Darrin rides in that parade.  But I really love Muses and Nyx is quickly catching up!

What’s your dream vacation location:  I have two—Seychelles for a tropical vacation and Istanbul for a cultural experience.


PlayStation or XBox:  I haven’t played a video game since Atari.  Back in the day, I loved Frogger!

Android or iPhone:  Android

Favorite Saints player:  Marques Colston (I am an uber-fan.  I won second place in a Crazy Saints Fan contest at Morten Anderson’s Champions back in 1991.  I consider that proof of my fandom.  And although I didn’t go to Miami, I have been to various out-of-town Saints games and have to be really, really, really sick to miss a home game.  It has happened once.)

M Anderson

City Park or Audubon:  Audubon Park

Best poboy shop:  Parkway Bakery

Do you have any pets?  Three cats: Louis, Polly and Edward Scissorpaws.  This is Louis.  He’s a mamma’s boy, big time!


Favorite phone app:  Facebook (Yes, I am addicted.  I use work as my excuse.)

Microscope or Telescope:  Telescope—If I had time (or maybe just planned better), I’d love to take some astronomy classes.  I think this makes me a Nerd!  (Also, I majored in engineering for half of my undergraduate career.)

Favorite book: The Awakening by Kate Chopin.

Bonus Fun Fact:  I’m a published writer/author, with a book coming out this May, entitled Glimpses of Heaven on Earth.