New Orleans native Rory Picou founded Premier Fitness ten years ago. In that time, Premier Fitness, centrally located on Airline Highway, has grown into a world-class exercise facility, accommodating everyone from serious athletes to the casually-fit. When asked about his popular health club, Rory had this to say:
“Premier has defied tradition and has given new meaning to the word fitness. We’ve packed over 25 years of industry insight, management expertise and member feedback into the finest fitness facility ever established in the New Orleans area. The result is an uncommon blend of aesthetic sensibility with uncompromising service, specifically designed to bridge the gap between intimidation and confidence. At Premier Fitness we will do as much for your individuality as for your body.”
Here are Rory’s responses to our “fun facts” questionnaire:
Why do you love owning a business in NOLA? Because it’s home. I love seeing faces from my life growing up in NOLA who join and experience life-changing results from being members of Premier Fitness.
What’s your favorite NOLA neighborhood to live in? New Orleans Lakefront. I live in Lakeshore.
What’s your favorite shopping area of NOLA? Lakeside
Mardi Gras or Jazz Fest: Jazz Fest
New red, or traditional green, streetcars? I love tradition.
Saints or Pelicans? Pelicans
Favorite NOLA athlete: Anthony Davis
Favorite local music venue: House of Blues
Favorite NOLA restaurant: Like so many of us, Rory couldn’t choose just one!
What’s your ideal NOLA weekend? Walking the Quarter on a beautiful April/May day. Spending the afternoon eating oysters and having a few beers at Crescent City Brew House. Having dinner at one of the old, traditional New Orleans restaurants.
What tech device could you not live without? My iPhone
Favorite mobile app: Weather Channel
When asked what his plans for the coming year included, Rory told us that he’s “continuing to make improvements to the club that will enhance our member’s experiences.” For more information about Premier Fitness, check out their website, or follow them on Facebook.