Christine M. Vinson is the new face of Vinson Guard Service, a security company founded by her grandfather fifty-one years ago. With its corporate office in New Orleans, Vinson Guard operates twenty offices located across multiple states. Christine, however, is firmly rooted in New Orleans, having lived here her entire life (though she admits to “sleeping in Old Metry”).
When asked about her family’s business, Christine told us, “Vinson Guard is one of the largest privately owned security organizations in the United States. We strive to provide an exceptional level of service and care to our customers by building our team with individuals dedicated to the same goals.”
Here are Christine’s answers to our “fun facts” questions:
Why do you love owning a business in NOLA? Vinson Guard Service has been a part of the local economy since my grandfather started it in 1963. I’m happy to continue the tradition of employing local people and providing quality service to our clients. It is very fulfilling to be part of a team like VGS and being active in the New Orleans community.
What’s your favorite NOLA neighborhood to live in? Duh, Old Metry
What’s your favorite shopping area of NOLA? Any block that has a Trashy Diva
Mardi Gras or Jazz Fest: Jazz Fest
Favorite Snowball Stand: I only eat stuffed snowballs from Sal’s
New red, or traditional green, streetcars? Traditional Green
Saints or Pelicans? SAINTS
Favorite NOLA athlete: Mike McKenzie [We think that’s an interesting–but cool–choice!]
Favorite local music venue: Woldenberg Park
Favorite NOLA restaurant: Clancy’s
Café du Monde or Morning Call: Morning Call in City Park
An ideal NOLA weekend: Starts on Friday with lunch at Galatoire’s and continues with a cocktail stroll through the Quarter. On Saturday, pedaling from City Park to the French Quarter for strolling and day time cocktails & snacking on the great food that the city has to offer before dinner at Clancy’s. Mass at the cathedral starts Sunday and brunch at Muriel’s. [That does sound ideal!!]
What tech device could you not live without? Smartphone
Favorite mobile app: Accuweather
Favorite website for fun: frenchmenstrretlive.com
Favorite website for work: wad.net [We were curious. This is the website for the World Association of Detectives. Cool.]
Anything new for you and/or your business in 2014? We are always trying to improve our product and customer service. Our long term goal is to be in business for another 51 years.
Please let us know anything else that we haven’t mentioned above: In my spare time, I like spending time with my cute little doggies and volunteering with Junior League of New Orleans and Crimestoppers. And, I can’t forget assisting my boyfriend, Jason, and his partners with Running of the Bulls in New Orleans.
For more information about Vinson Guard, check out their website.