My Goldman Sachs 10000 Small Businesses Story (Part II)
Continued from Part I of My Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses Story… Once admitted to the program, I was assigned to Cohort 5 (the next session) with twenty-three other scholars, comprised of a diverse group of business owners, in industries ranging from construction to restaurants. Together, we employed 337 people and had revenues of $39 million. That’s quite a socio-economic impact on the region! Some of the businesses were young and experiencing growing pains, some had plateaued, and some—as in my case—had declined through the years. Over the course of four months, encompassing sixteen classes, I embarked on a crash course in running a business. Overwhelming? Yes! So many questions ran through my head. Could I do it? Maybe, with the right support. Was IRead Full Article