Author Archives: Beibei Lin

Beibei attended Grace King High School, UNO, and Remington College. His Associate Degree in Computer Networking earned him a job at the Help Desk at Remington (and lots of cache with the ladies), but after two years of repetitive and monotonous problems, Beibei dreaded every Monday. His life took a quick change for the better in 2006, when he started working for Rent-A-Nerd as an onsite repair technician. Network problems, hardware, software—you name it, he's probably fixed it.

Windows 10 Upgrade

Windows 10 was globally launched on July 29, 2015 and consumers with Windows 7, 8, and 8.1 starting to receive free upgrade notifications. These free upgrades will be available only within the first year of the Windows 10 release. But many are asking whether they should upgrade or not. Here are a few things to consider before upgrading to Windows 10. First, the pros. Windows 10 fixes so many of the issues with Windows 8 that people have been griping about. The start button (it’s actually a “start menu” but we all just really care about having our start button back on the bottom left of our screen) has finally returned! That’s probably the number one complaint with the prior version, so the most popularRead Full Article

The Right Business Email Address

No matter if your business is fewer than ten employees or more than a 1,000, email is key in your communications with clients, vendors, staff, and other businesses. Often I find that a business’s emails are hosted by its Internet Service Provider or ISP, such as ATT, Cox, Comcast, etc. Without a better understanding of the benefits of a custom domain-hosted email, clients can potentially get lost. Therefore, it is so important that you have the right business email address. Business cards are exchanged on daily basis. A very basic card may include name, address, phone number, and email. An email address such as or projects a different level of professionalism than a card reading Do you want your email to say, “We areRead Full Article

Five Reasons You Should Retire Your Windows XP ASAP!

Here are five reasons why you should retire your Windows XP computer as soon as possible: 1. Updates & Bug Fixes: Since Microsoft decided to end support for Windows XP back in April 14, 2014, there have been no more security updates or technical support. Without any patches, updates, and hotfixes, your computer is more vulnerable to viruses, spywares, and hackers. Your identity could be more easily compromised. 2.  Software & Drivers: Now that Microsoft has ended the support for XP, all software developers and manufactures will ultimately follow suit. Newly purchased hardware, such as printers, scanners, webcams, etc., will no longer have supporting software for Windows XP. Programmers will stop develop compatible applications and programs for an outdated operating system. With limited software andRead Full Article

aCar App Review

It’s been a while since I posted a blog. So, here’s my aCar app review. If you like to keep your car’s service records, everything from oil changes to brake jobs, and even fuel usage, the aCar app is a great option. The app offers predefined alerts for regularly scheduled car maintenance, and can be customized for your particular needs. I love the fact that I no longer need to remember (or write down) the last time the battery was replaced, the mileage for the last oil change, or when I last rotated my tires. This practical app can store data on multiple cars, even bicycles! Backup/Restore and other additional features are also available if you purchase the aCar Pro version. This app has beenRead Full Article

Avoiding Computer Hackers

We all use email as a primary source of communication on a daily basis–for business and personal use. Every day our in-boxes are bombarded with SPAM and advertisements. Some of these emails are legitimate, but some are phishing emails. Phishing emails are designed to steal your password, bank information, credit card information and other personal data from your computer. How can you tell if a message is a scam or legitimate? Here are a few tips to follow in order to avoid having your computer hacked  through these types of emails. Bad spelling and grammar – Hackers are great at coming up with ways to steal, but they aren’t so great at proofreading. If the message contains a misspelled word or poor grammar, it mayRead Full Article

Oh no, I spilled something on my laptop!

So, you’ve spilled something on your laptop. Here are a few steps you can take to prevent further damage: Time is of the essence. It’s very important that you remove all power sources from the laptop immediately without having to go through the proper shutdown procedures. This includes unplugging the AC adapter and removing the battery from the laptop. Also remove any attached peripheral devices (such as your flash drive, printer, wireless mouse receiver, etc.). Turn your laptop upside down to avoid any liquid spilling beneath the keyboard and into the motherboard. Dry off any water residue from the exterior of the laptop. At this point you should take it to us—if possible—so that your laptop may be revived by one of the Nerds. IfRead Full Article