Rent-A-Nerd started in a one-bedroom apartment on November 1st, 1997, when I realized my phone number spelled N-E-R-D. Computer users in the New Orleans area were fed up with the lack of knowledgeable and honest computer consultants; I borrowed $300 dollars from my mom (thanks Mom!), posted flyers around the neighborhood, and Rent-A-Nerd was born. The response to the flyers was great and I quit my day job. I had to call in a friend to handle the overflow. Rent-A-Nerd was growing quickly—my apartment was already too small—so I moved into a house and converted the front into an office.
On January 1st, 1998, Rent-A-Nerd was incorporated. Later that year we officially hired our first employee and Rent-A-Nerd outgrew my house. Exactly one year after founding the company, we opened our first “real” office on Metairie Road. By August 2005, Rent-A-Nerd had been featured in numerous news broadcasts, newspaper and magazine articles, interviews and photo sessions; and we had grown to twelve employees. We were STILL growing quickly and still providing fast, reliable service to the New Orleans Metropolitan area.
On August 29, 2005, Hurricane Katrina and a failure of the levee system devastated Greater New Orleans and scattered the Nerds. Our staff was cut in half, with two of us—including me—forced to relocate to Baton Rouge. Rent-A-Nerd was down but not out. The Metairie location was spared the flooding so we were able to resume operations almost immediately, aiding our customers as they returned to the city.
The years since Katrina have been a time of optimistic outlook and steady growth. In the spring of 2013, I participated in the Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses program, during which I developed a new-found sense of excitement for my industry and my city. And as of March 1, 2016, we have relocated to a much larger office at 2200 Tulane Avenue, Suite 302 (the corner of Tulane and Galvez). If all goes well, Louisianians will be renting Nerds for years to come. We are your best place to find a reputable and skilled computer technician in New Orleans!
~Darrin Piotrowski