Monthly Archives: June 2015

Survival Tips for Working with Your Spouse

Do you own your own business? Does your spouse? Have you ever considered working with your spouse? I certainly hadn’t! Even before we were married, I would help my then-boyfriend (then fiance) Darrin Piotrowski, Founder and President of Rent-A-Nerd, Inc., a New Orleans-area full-service IT company, whenever he asked me to proof a proposal, listen to a pitch, or consider a new idea.  So I certainly continued to do so after we were married. When he was accepted to the Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses program, I knew that I would be involved with his “homework,” which ultimately included a growth plan (you can read about his experience here and here). It was during this time, when we both spent hours (he many, many more thanRead Full Article