Monthly Archives: May 2014

Client Spotlight: Brandi Bowen with New Orleans Regional AIDS Planning Council

While not quite a native, Brandi Bowen has lived in New Orleans fourteen years.  Brandi is the Program Director for New Orleans Regional AIDS Planning Council, an important organization which provides medical and other care for those infected with HIV, and is located in Mid-City. As Brandi described, “NORAPC is the public planning body for Ryan White Part A HIV services in the New Orleans 8-parish area.  Duties include determining the most important service categories, establishing funding levels for priority services, developing Standards of Care for services to ensure delivery of quality services, comprehensive planning to improve the service system, and to act as a venue to convene community input.  NORAPC’s vision is to create a high quality comprehensive coordinated HIV care system to promoteRead Full Article

Client Spotlight: McKenzie Coco of FSC Interactive

McKenzie Coco is the dynamic, energetic, enthusiastic, and all-around-fun  President of FSC Interactive, a web-based marketing company that she founded locally in 2007.  Although originally from Pensacola, Florida, McKenzie has called herself a New Orleanian since 1997. When asked to describe her business, McKenzie told us, “FSC Interactive is an agency specializing in search marketing strategy, social media management, paid search advertising, search engine optimization, web site audits and local SEO.”  In other words, she and her company can help your business get its website and social media noticed! Here are McKenzie’s responses to our “fun facts” survey: Why do you love owning a business in NOLA?  First – I love living in New Orleans.  And the New Orleans business community has been very goodRead Full Article

OpenTable App and Website Review

If you are from New Orleans, currently live in New Orleans, or ever visit New Orleans, food is probably very important to you.  You take dining out seriously. So do we!  That’s why we are very avid users of OpenTable.  Both the website and the app (for both Android and iOS) allow you to locate restaurants, read reviews, make reservations, and write reviews for over 20,000 restaurants in the United States alone.  They also have restaurant listings for numerous European cities. True story: My husband, Chief Nerd Darrin, and I wanted to grab some food at a popular downtown restaurant prior to an evening Saints game.  When we approached the host station, we were told there was no availability.  Darrin walked outside, logged onto theRead Full Article